Aug 24, 12:01 PM
No, but they lost in every other sense that matters. I am really failing to understand why some people are having such a tough time comprehending this. Apple capitulated on the patent challenge, Apple paid a huge sum of money to Creative so Apple could continue business as usual. Apple lost. That's all, folks.
Sorry, but I think you are taking the settlement at face value and making just a surface interpretation.
There are already several industry analysts who have now gone on record saying this is a win for Apple.
$100 million may be a big load of money for you, me and Creative, but it's chump change when we're talking about the fact that iPod makes $6+ BILLION PER YEAR (and growing) for Apple.
It's like Creative accused Apple of stealing the goose that lays golden eggs. In return, Apple gives Creative one of the eggs and Creative goes, "Wow! Thanks! You can keep the goose!"
The face-value interpretation says that Creative won because it was a pauper who now has a golden egg that's worth a lot of money. The deep interpretation is that Apple still has the goose and Creative just gave up all claims of ownership over it.
What's so hard to understand about that?
BTW, some months ago, Research in Motion coughed up $450 million to settle a patent dispute with NTP over the popular Blackberry devices. RIM made a total of $2 billion in fiscal 2006. NTP basically had RIM by the throat with its patents and extracted a heavy licensing fee as a result.
You're telling me Creative supposedly had Apple by the throat, and extracted 1/4 the licensing for a product that generates 4X the revenue of Blackberry? Riiiiiight....
To put it another way, $450 million was about 25% of RIM's entire annual revenue. $100 million is less than 1% of Apple's, and in fact, is less money than Apple makes on interest each year on its cash horde.
Sorry, but I think you are taking the settlement at face value and making just a surface interpretation.
There are already several industry analysts who have now gone on record saying this is a win for Apple.
$100 million may be a big load of money for you, me and Creative, but it's chump change when we're talking about the fact that iPod makes $6+ BILLION PER YEAR (and growing) for Apple.
It's like Creative accused Apple of stealing the goose that lays golden eggs. In return, Apple gives Creative one of the eggs and Creative goes, "Wow! Thanks! You can keep the goose!"
The face-value interpretation says that Creative won because it was a pauper who now has a golden egg that's worth a lot of money. The deep interpretation is that Apple still has the goose and Creative just gave up all claims of ownership over it.
What's so hard to understand about that?
BTW, some months ago, Research in Motion coughed up $450 million to settle a patent dispute with NTP over the popular Blackberry devices. RIM made a total of $2 billion in fiscal 2006. NTP basically had RIM by the throat with its patents and extracted a heavy licensing fee as a result.
You're telling me Creative supposedly had Apple by the throat, and extracted 1/4 the licensing for a product that generates 4X the revenue of Blackberry? Riiiiiight....
To put it another way, $450 million was about 25% of RIM's entire annual revenue. $100 million is less than 1% of Apple's, and in fact, is less money than Apple makes on interest each year on its cash horde.

Apr 10, 10:41 AM
LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-ikea-union-20110410,0,4172495,full.story)
Laborers in Swedwood plants in Sweden produce bookcases and tables similar to those manufactured in Danville. The big difference is that the Europeans enjoy a minimum wage of about $19 an hour and a government-mandated five weeks of paid vacation. Full-time employees in Danville start at $8 an hour with 12 vacation days � eight of them on dates determined by the company.
"It's ironic that Ikea looks on the U.S. and Danville the way that most people in the U.S. look at Mexico," Street said.
Well, the right has gotten what it wants. Low wages, no benefits, non-union jobs.
What next? Reintroduction of slavery?
Laborers in Swedwood plants in Sweden produce bookcases and tables similar to those manufactured in Danville. The big difference is that the Europeans enjoy a minimum wage of about $19 an hour and a government-mandated five weeks of paid vacation. Full-time employees in Danville start at $8 an hour with 12 vacation days � eight of them on dates determined by the company.
"It's ironic that Ikea looks on the U.S. and Danville the way that most people in the U.S. look at Mexico," Street said.
Well, the right has gotten what it wants. Low wages, no benefits, non-union jobs.
What next? Reintroduction of slavery?
Nov 14, 12:37 PM
Lets see how long they will stay away. There are buckets of DOLLARS waiting to be made in the App Store.
Yes, but only for Apple, because they own the infrastructure. We still haven't heard of a company that can really make a living with software for the iPhone/iPod Touch platform. So far, it's all just hype and even though there are hundreds of thousands of apps distributed through the AppStore, the only winner at this point in time is Apple.
And to be honest, from a customer's perspective, I do hope that that the AppStore concept will fail. The AppStore as it is manifest a distribution monopoly for Apple, and monopolies -always- hurt the customer and prevent innovation. Imagine you could only obtain Mac application through the AppStore with similar rules: There wouldn't be a Firefox for the Mac because it competes with Apple's Safari. There wouldn't be an Adobe Lightroom for the Mac because it competes with Apple's Aperture. There wouldn't be any DVD or CD ripping software for the Mac because those apps could hurt Apple's iTunes sales. There probably wouldn't even be a Microsoft Office anymore because it competes with Apple's (inferior) iWork Suite. And, worst of all, all software authors would be FORCED to distribute their apps through the AppStore which would impose an Apple distribution tax on their software. As a result, they would all run away and write their apps for Windows instead. And Apple probably wouldn't even care because most of their customers are Internet-surfing consumers anyway who don't need much more than Safari, Mail and iLife to play with their photos and iPods.
Yes, but only for Apple, because they own the infrastructure. We still haven't heard of a company that can really make a living with software for the iPhone/iPod Touch platform. So far, it's all just hype and even though there are hundreds of thousands of apps distributed through the AppStore, the only winner at this point in time is Apple.
And to be honest, from a customer's perspective, I do hope that that the AppStore concept will fail. The AppStore as it is manifest a distribution monopoly for Apple, and monopolies -always- hurt the customer and prevent innovation. Imagine you could only obtain Mac application through the AppStore with similar rules: There wouldn't be a Firefox for the Mac because it competes with Apple's Safari. There wouldn't be an Adobe Lightroom for the Mac because it competes with Apple's Aperture. There wouldn't be any DVD or CD ripping software for the Mac because those apps could hurt Apple's iTunes sales. There probably wouldn't even be a Microsoft Office anymore because it competes with Apple's (inferior) iWork Suite. And, worst of all, all software authors would be FORCED to distribute their apps through the AppStore which would impose an Apple distribution tax on their software. As a result, they would all run away and write their apps for Windows instead. And Apple probably wouldn't even care because most of their customers are Internet-surfing consumers anyway who don't need much more than Safari, Mail and iLife to play with their photos and iPods.
Mar 29, 11:12 AM
Early April Fools...nice!
Yea, I'm not buying this neither the hook, nor the line and certainly it's a stinker.
Yea, I'm not buying this neither the hook, nor the line and certainly it's a stinker.
Sep 14, 01:47 AM
Its an ipod with a longer screen and a slider.....well at least for me I see nothing too interesting in it...just another ipod you can talk to.
Yep I agree, it's not a revolutionary design but I'm REALLY more interested in what it will do. I'm really excited by an Apple phone operating system. Mobile iCal? Mobile Widgets? Who knows? Could just be an iPod with limited phone functionality.
Bring it on! :-)
Yep I agree, it's not a revolutionary design but I'm REALLY more interested in what it will do. I'm really excited by an Apple phone operating system. Mobile iCal? Mobile Widgets? Who knows? Could just be an iPod with limited phone functionality.
Bring it on! :-)

Mar 30, 01:08 PM
The real question is why MS is so bothered about Apple using 'App Store'. Historically MS (almost) never used the word App, instead using the word Programs. Surely MS can come up with many alternatives that describe their own store equally well, if not better. Why fight with Apple over this? I can only conclude that it is to spite Apple, or to ride Apple's coat tails yet again.
Even if MS is right, logically, linguistically, I find their attitude over this rather puerile. PR-wise it says to me "Apple, if we can't imitate you, we'll sue you"
MS sinks lower in my opinion by the day.
Completely agree with you. Not sure why Microsoft making this a BIG deal.
Even if MS is right, logically, linguistically, I find their attitude over this rather puerile. PR-wise it says to me "Apple, if we can't imitate you, we'll sue you"
MS sinks lower in my opinion by the day.
Completely agree with you. Not sure why Microsoft making this a BIG deal.
Apr 24, 11:52 PM
People who drive slowly in the passing lane are inconsiderate.
People who swerve in front of minivans carrying babies are dangerous.
Aren't you 16?
People who swerve in front of minivans carrying babies are dangerous.
Aren't you 16?
Apr 19, 12:16 PM
What else would you expect to hear? No company would just bow down and give up....
Samsung couldn't pull out on any existing deals, otherwise they'd be in breach of contract.
They could supply some botched batches of screens and such. Apple has to watch out. They're doing great, no need to b**** about such little things. Stuff looks similar if they're in the same market. As long as it's not 99% identical they should just carry on making money:cool:
Samsung couldn't pull out on any existing deals, otherwise they'd be in breach of contract.
They could supply some botched batches of screens and such. Apple has to watch out. They're doing great, no need to b**** about such little things. Stuff looks similar if they're in the same market. As long as it's not 99% identical they should just carry on making money:cool:
Jul 14, 12:41 PM
Yup, I know Apple's marketing loves to be ridiculous. :p 95% of customers* wouldn't notice the difference. I'm one of the 5% who will notice it but its not like I'm buying one, my iMac G5 will keep me happy for another 2+ years.
*75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)Yeah, considering we get so many posts about "Will this RAM work?". It seems like the populous is clueless about DDR/DDR2 and FSB.
*75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)Yeah, considering we get so many posts about "Will this RAM work?". It seems like the populous is clueless about DDR/DDR2 and FSB.

Apr 4, 12:52 PM
Very sad. Someone lost their life over something so trivial. And sad that the guard has to live with knowing he took a life. :(
It is amazing just how many times this same stupid comment has been made in this thread. Why do people have to regurgitate the same thing over and over?
Why is is sad a criminal dies while firing at a guard. Why is it sad a person who knows the consequences of carrying a weapon while attempting to rob a store? You play with fire and get burned. Nothing sad about it.
Kudos for the guard for protecting himself. He can sleep at night knowing he is not instead DEAD.
It is amazing just how many times this same stupid comment has been made in this thread. Why do people have to regurgitate the same thing over and over?
Why is is sad a criminal dies while firing at a guard. Why is it sad a person who knows the consequences of carrying a weapon while attempting to rob a store? You play with fire and get burned. Nothing sad about it.
Kudos for the guard for protecting himself. He can sleep at night knowing he is not instead DEAD.
Sep 15, 06:56 PM
The biggest reason phones suck today is because the interfaces are horrible (SE's being the best of them all). Motorola's phones are nice but their UI's are awful. What I am expecting from Apple is an easy to use phone that looks great and has, nothing less than, an excellent UI. And of course it'll work with iSync ... that's just obvious.

Aug 24, 05:43 PM
This is really little more than a bookkeeping trick. The books will now report that Apple bought something for $100 million, something they thought they already owned. It's still the same dollar figure, no matter where the accountants put it in the books. The way I understand it, in theory at least, Apple could generate some revenue from this "asset" if Creative obtains more licenses. I'll believe it when I see it. I'm betting we never do see it.
It may be a bookkeeping trick, but it's considered part of Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP). The IRS and the SEC certainly doesn't have problem with it and ammorization is actually encouraged. Apple used the same method to record the $250 million cash investment in flash memory plants last year, as well as the $400 million it is setting aside for the new Cupertino campus. Neither of those big cash outlays really affected their profit recording.
The Microsoft Zune possibilities are interesting. We haven't seen the Zune interface yet, but you can be sure Creative is going to be taking a good, hard look at the device when it finally surfaces (sometime during this decade, almost without a doubt). We'll just have to wait and see. We'll also have to wait and see if Creative dumps their DMP business. If any of these events occur, I'm prepared to change my opinion about this settlement.
Well, despite my strong opinions, I have to again agree with you that only time will tell who was the real winner here.
My predictions are
1) Microsoft gets hit with a patent infringement lawsuit and settles rather quickly and
2) Creative exits the player business because it will be squeezed by the iPod and Zune from above, and Sandisk and iRiver from below. The field will just be too crowded with Zune. Because no matter how much money Zune will lose in the first few years, Microsoft will no doubt keep it afloat rather than cede defeat in this space. That might help Zune to take away some share away from the iPod eventually, but not before Zune eats the bulk of Creative's and Sandisk's share first. Creative has to be thinking about whether continuing to pour R&D and marketing into players is worth it with Microsoft competing directly against them. My guess it they'll bail as soon as they are able.
But again, only time will tell. :)
It may be a bookkeeping trick, but it's considered part of Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP). The IRS and the SEC certainly doesn't have problem with it and ammorization is actually encouraged. Apple used the same method to record the $250 million cash investment in flash memory plants last year, as well as the $400 million it is setting aside for the new Cupertino campus. Neither of those big cash outlays really affected their profit recording.
The Microsoft Zune possibilities are interesting. We haven't seen the Zune interface yet, but you can be sure Creative is going to be taking a good, hard look at the device when it finally surfaces (sometime during this decade, almost without a doubt). We'll just have to wait and see. We'll also have to wait and see if Creative dumps their DMP business. If any of these events occur, I'm prepared to change my opinion about this settlement.
Well, despite my strong opinions, I have to again agree with you that only time will tell who was the real winner here.
My predictions are
1) Microsoft gets hit with a patent infringement lawsuit and settles rather quickly and
2) Creative exits the player business because it will be squeezed by the iPod and Zune from above, and Sandisk and iRiver from below. The field will just be too crowded with Zune. Because no matter how much money Zune will lose in the first few years, Microsoft will no doubt keep it afloat rather than cede defeat in this space. That might help Zune to take away some share away from the iPod eventually, but not before Zune eats the bulk of Creative's and Sandisk's share first. Creative has to be thinking about whether continuing to pour R&D and marketing into players is worth it with Microsoft competing directly against them. My guess it they'll bail as soon as they are able.
But again, only time will tell. :)

Sep 17, 06:07 PM
Ugh, Americans and their providers. We may not have "free" ahum phones , but at least when you buy a cell phone, you know it will work with every company, and everywhere. And no hidden costs.
Amen. the US dont use GSM, do they, it's CDMA, right?
Here (australia) we have both, kinda. All carriers run GSM, and while there is some locking of handsets (if you get a "free" phone on a contract) you can pay it out early, or move to a different carrier when the contract expires, or just buy your own phone.
The dominant (51% govt. owned) carrier also operates a CDMA network in regional areas because of its better range. This is planned to be replaced with a single 3G network.
I could NEVER imagine this whole "i want that phone by xyz carrier doesnt have it". Aren't you americans supposed to demand the best of everything!?
As for there not being a decent phone, personally i find my SE P910i Smart Phone great (i even have an Aqua theme on it :D )
Amen. the US dont use GSM, do they, it's CDMA, right?
Here (australia) we have both, kinda. All carriers run GSM, and while there is some locking of handsets (if you get a "free" phone on a contract) you can pay it out early, or move to a different carrier when the contract expires, or just buy your own phone.
The dominant (51% govt. owned) carrier also operates a CDMA network in regional areas because of its better range. This is planned to be replaced with a single 3G network.
I could NEVER imagine this whole "i want that phone by xyz carrier doesnt have it". Aren't you americans supposed to demand the best of everything!?
As for there not being a decent phone, personally i find my SE P910i Smart Phone great (i even have an Aqua theme on it :D )

Apr 20, 11:27 AM
Of course that's the ideal answer but an impossible answer. So again, Google or your device/computer?
I'd rather have Google or Apple for that matter having that information in their servers, than it being in a unencrypted file on my phone or on my computer.
What Apple has done here is giving anyone with access to either your phone or your computer a way to track your movement. And that person would not need to either install something or deal with encrypted files. The person tracked would have no clue that it's happening.
Once again, it's shown that when it comes to security and encryption, Apple needs to improve their game.
But, it's great thing for jealous husbands who would want to monitor what their wives are doing.
I'd rather have Google or Apple for that matter having that information in their servers, than it being in a unencrypted file on my phone or on my computer.
What Apple has done here is giving anyone with access to either your phone or your computer a way to track your movement. And that person would not need to either install something or deal with encrypted files. The person tracked would have no clue that it's happening.
Once again, it's shown that when it comes to security and encryption, Apple needs to improve their game.
But, it's great thing for jealous husbands who would want to monitor what their wives are doing.
Apr 19, 11:33 PM
John Pilgers? Does he reside in the US? Does he have a website?
He's even got an awesome interview with Julian Assange. His documentary "The War You Don't See" is a must watch though.
He's even got an awesome interview with Julian Assange. His documentary "The War You Don't See" is a must watch though.
Blue Fox
Nov 14, 12:09 AM
I'm not going to defend Apple because NO BODY on this forum knows the exact circumstances of the situation.
I'm not going to defend Rogue Amoeba because NO BODY on this forum knows the exact circumstances of the situation.
No body knows ****** about either side of the story, yet there are 5 pages of arguments between people saying they know exactly what happened because they read an article that had a quote by someone, and somehow that means that's EXACTLY what happened. Ignorance.
But that's arguing on the internet for you. Pointless.
I'm not going to defend Rogue Amoeba because NO BODY on this forum knows the exact circumstances of the situation.
No body knows ****** about either side of the story, yet there are 5 pages of arguments between people saying they know exactly what happened because they read an article that had a quote by someone, and somehow that means that's EXACTLY what happened. Ignorance.
But that's arguing on the internet for you. Pointless.
May 3, 12:59 PM
So which options are worth it with these new models?

selena gomez hot images.

pictures of selena gomez in

Sep 20, 10:08 AM
i used to love them laser discs :D wow they are still selling on ebay as well :cool:
Hey, now that I bought an A/D converter, I could finally get my LDs to DVD and and selling off the LDs. Of allthe garbage on DVD surprising how much on LD still hasn't made it to DVD (and may never...:) )
Hey, now that I bought an A/D converter, I could finally get my LDs to DVD and and selling off the LDs. Of allthe garbage on DVD surprising how much on LD still hasn't made it to DVD (and may never...:) )

Mar 22, 09:18 PM
Heh, and I just got a new MBP :/
Aug 28, 03:30 PM
there will ALWAYS be updates, if you keep waiting for the next one you'll be waiting forever. Santa rosa isn't going to be THAT amazing of an upgrade. I'd just buy the core duo 2 when they release and then upgrade to leopard later. But that's just me.
Agreed. That would have been like waiting for the 167MHz bus on the old Powerbooks because the 133MHz wasn't cutting it.... :p
Agreed. That would have been like waiting for the 167MHz bus on the old Powerbooks because the 133MHz wasn't cutting it.... :p
May 3, 12:59 PM
So which options are worth it with these new models?
Oct 12, 03:45 PM
Ha ha, You are nuts. Let me tell you how it works.
Nobody gets rich by curing a disease. That is why diabetes, AIDS, HIV etc are all treated with "Keep you alive but not cure you drugs" that you have to buy for the rest of your life. The government and drug companies are in it together and are pure evil. Ain't nobody going to cure anything unless they can keep making money doing it. Get it? Good.
So how's your Polio treating you?
Nobody gets rich by curing a disease. That is why diabetes, AIDS, HIV etc are all treated with "Keep you alive but not cure you drugs" that you have to buy for the rest of your life. The government and drug companies are in it together and are pure evil. Ain't nobody going to cure anything unless they can keep making money doing it. Get it? Good.
So how's your Polio treating you?
Apr 14, 12:29 PM
You made a simple claim:
"Thunderbolt will be 'Mac only'"
It won't be, you were proven wrong, now get over it. Maybe you missed the title of this topic?
"Intel to Support Both USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt in 2012 'Ivy Bridge' Platform"
First, no I made no such claim. I responded to one. And the claim wasn't that it will be restricted to being Mac only, but that it will end up being Mac only, in the same sense that FW is. Some PC ship with FW, but not many. It is considered a Mac only interface. The gist is that TB may as well, if history repeats. You didn't prove anything. You see many PC's shipping with TB right now? How many PC vendors have announces support for TB? The unfortunate fact is that consumers know the USB brand, so the vendors will support it. TB might be in Intel's spec, but that doesn't mean every system will support it nor that many drive vendors will either.
See econgeek's post. It explains is pretty well.
"Thunderbolt will be 'Mac only'"
It won't be, you were proven wrong, now get over it. Maybe you missed the title of this topic?
"Intel to Support Both USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt in 2012 'Ivy Bridge' Platform"
First, no I made no such claim. I responded to one. And the claim wasn't that it will be restricted to being Mac only, but that it will end up being Mac only, in the same sense that FW is. Some PC ship with FW, but not many. It is considered a Mac only interface. The gist is that TB may as well, if history repeats. You didn't prove anything. You see many PC's shipping with TB right now? How many PC vendors have announces support for TB? The unfortunate fact is that consumers know the USB brand, so the vendors will support it. TB might be in Intel's spec, but that doesn't mean every system will support it nor that many drive vendors will either.
See econgeek's post. It explains is pretty well.
Sep 9, 02:22 AM
But because not all applications and tasks take full advantage of the Mac multiprocessing capabilities,
And I'm thinking... why?! 10 years ago BeOS had this down pat. The whole system was multi-threaded and multi-processor aware from the kernel all the way up through the user interface including the system services used by all native applications. It was amazingly responsive and was reported (in major publications) to gain as much as 60-70% performance by having a second CPU. I realize MacOS X is based on some old NeXTStep code which was not made for multiple processors, but come on! This is the 21st century and Apple's been selling dual processor machines for about 5 years now.
Anyway, this is great news. I'd been drooling over the new iMacs since they were announced and wondering how much I might gain by upgrading from my 2GHz G5 PowerMac. It's very enticing.
And I'm thinking... why?! 10 years ago BeOS had this down pat. The whole system was multi-threaded and multi-processor aware from the kernel all the way up through the user interface including the system services used by all native applications. It was amazingly responsive and was reported (in major publications) to gain as much as 60-70% performance by having a second CPU. I realize MacOS X is based on some old NeXTStep code which was not made for multiple processors, but come on! This is the 21st century and Apple's been selling dual processor machines for about 5 years now.
Anyway, this is great news. I'd been drooling over the new iMacs since they were announced and wondering how much I might gain by upgrading from my 2GHz G5 PowerMac. It's very enticing.