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Monday, May 23, 2011

Bmw Z4 Matte Black

Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 26, 05:07 PM
    What a freaking RIP-OFF. You could buy 20 new songs a year for that instead (well not on Apple anymore sine they royally screwed everyone on some BS basis of "85 cents songs" to offset the "$1.29" ones except that as most of us predicted, there are hardly any 85 cents songs in existence yet a heck of lot of $1.29 ones. In other words, all they did was jack up prices to cover crap artists who can't sing and don't write their own songs and make farting noises and call it art.)

    Meanwhile, what good would this service do? Do you seriously think they're going to let you access your music that you did NOT buy from iTunes??? (i.e. your CD collection dumped to iTunes) NO WAY. You'd have to UPLOAD the entire library first. How LONG would that take? Ridiculous. Then you miss a payment and they delete it all.... It's far more likely it's only for songs you already bought (in which case you could already just 'buy' them again and download them for free; in other words the service is worthless).

    What most people would prefer I think is a flat fee music-on-demand service where you can listen to ANY music you want from the entire library. Pandora, Sonus, etc. already offer this service so Apple's "retrieve your own library online" is stupid, IMO. You could rent some storage somewhere and just upload your music there and download it anywhere on the Net WITHOUT APPLE even being involved. The whole thing strikes me as a cash grab from Apple to make you pay for the music you already paid for ALL OVER AGAIN. Bought 100 songs? 5 years you bought 'em again. No value.

    My entire music library is only 70GB in AAC without music videos. That would almost fit on an iPod Touch 64GB or USB 64GB stick as it is, let alone my Netbook which has 160GB on it and my MBP which has 500GB. So the ONLY way this service could be useful is if I could access ALL MY MOVIES from anywhere on the Net. That would require 2.6TB of storage, though. I don't see Apple covering that and I wouldn't even want to TRY to upload all those movies from my own library (and Apple doesn't even sell (let alone in good quality) 40% of them and 95% of the HD ones.

    No, a flat fee for unlimited rentals (music and movies) would be a good deal. I don't see Apple offering that any time soon, if EVER.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • diamond.g
    Apr 12, 09:42 AM
    Theoretically, but those of us that remember the iPod FW days know reality from benchmarks.
    TB isn't redundant right now, it's dormant. The TB port on the MBPs right now is effectively useless until there are peripherals to connect to it. But as this thread demonstrates they are coming. First to the pro market but it will drip down during the course of the year. I think Mac OS X 10.7 and iOS5 are going to provide more urgency for TB in consumer markets as well. WWDC will be the big kick off.

    I understand, I am just saying that the flash media that the iDevices use are holding back the transfer rates, not the interface.

    If Apple were to use more than 2 flash chips and spread around the bits (much like ssd) then maybe we could see speeds pick up.

    TB will be more urgent when Windows PC's get on board.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • NathanMuir
    Apr 25, 04:45 PM
    Eldiablojoe, just because.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • Zonz
    Jan 1, 06:36 PM
    Why concede? I think we are examining obesity pretty well as a group. Furthermore, the current level of obesity is really everyone's problem, as the level affects our society as a whole.

    This lady in question though blows my mind as the article has framed it to appear that her goal is to gain weight. Perhaps the article misinterpreted what she meant.

    Because I feel I've made my point. I'm arguing against the stereotypes and prejudices, not the effects on society and healthcare, or mental dysfunction.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • mandis
    Jul 13, 07:41 AM
    They will. Microsoft doing this will definitely cause Apple to be less stingy with the R&D and get some great small products to market.

    God, I really hope that Leopard is more of an upgrade than Tiger was.

    Are you referring to the tons of "exciting new products" Steve promised all those months ago?

    Seriously though, what the hell happened to all those new products and updates? Where is the Mighty Mouse BT or the new ipod Video? Does anybody still remember those rumors about the iPhone? Or even those long overdue updates of the Airport Express and Airport Extreme, which would allow for video and higher speeds?

    There are now fewer Apple products in the market than 2 years ago... :confused:

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • dscuber9000
    May 1, 10:41 PM
    Looking forward to the movie version. ;)

    Obama sure made it sound badass. :p

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • AdeFowler
    Apr 29, 04:13 PM
    The artists must be thrilled :rolleyes:

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • judethat
    Apr 29, 01:23 AM
    The white one is definitely thicker than the black. It is a much tighter fit, especially with a screen protector on it trying to fit it into The bumper was quite hard. Not much but the bumper is a tighter fit.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • PBG4 Dude
    Apr 22, 04:15 PM
    That's gonna be sweet if apple comes out with that.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • applefan69
    Mar 31, 12:22 PM
    The rest of the design is not so bad but I wish Apple would get over the urge to make things look like their physical incarnations. I know there is a name for this but it escapes me at the moment.


    Apple is trying make the real world and computer world look synonymous. It makes sense to me. You guys cant tell me a color HONESTLY bothers you that much???

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • iMeowbot
    Jul 25, 12:09 PM
    Anyone considered how this (technically) will work? How will the iPod detect where your hands are?

    This seems to be a refinement of what the iPod and touch pads have been doing all along. Right now those can detect your finger through an insulated plastic layer, and even through clothes on top of that.

    The main difference here would seem to be in smarter software that can do something useful with smaller changes in the electrical fields.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 07:10 PM
    Why won't this rumor die?! Seriously. It makes MUCH more sense to make a set top box that is compatible with any tv, and thus have wider appeal and adoption than to make a TV that has to compete with every other TV manufacturer out there. This is not Apple's game. Their game it to look at a market that is not currently being exploited to its full extent, figure out what people may want, then come in and redefine that niche. Worked with the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. There were predecessor in each of these markets but Apple came in and completely dominated it because they redefined it and tied it into a (relatively) easy to use ecosystem. Ok, it a really easy to use ecosystem, just slow and bloated. :D

    The rumor won't die, because Apple has a history to arrive late at a party, but leaving with the best looking girl (Read that someplace:-)

    If that happens here with TV's that have to be a more mature Lady. LOL!

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • olimits7
    Sep 30, 05:10 PM
    True, that's a good point...I guess the issue is partly due to the iPhone and AT&T's network.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • jaigo
    Oct 24, 07:51 AM
    Santa rosa platform is where it's at

    Oh pipe down. I am ordering this as soon as possible. And I will get a discount (student) :D

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • Matt-M
    Apr 28, 05:08 PM
    Maybe we should just grab a couple of iphones for...ahem....testing purposes! :)

    I have high-precision digital calipers, but only a black phone.

    The only reason I found this interesting is the why. If the white phone is thicker, why is it thicker? Different camera vendor (since that's the thickest internal component)? Insulation on the antenna? Different battery? Thicker paint coating to prevent light leaks?

    I couldn't care less about the fact that it might be thicker, only the reason. Alas, I don't think it is. Maybe only enough for the paint explanation.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • Pragmatic67
    Oct 23, 07:54 AM
    just to clear up the confusion, is this a legal or technical restriction? Can you still do this with the basic edition technically, but illegally. Or are there technical restrictions being applied?

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • al256
    Jun 6, 08:23 AM
    Where's the personal responsibility/Apple shouldn't do things for their customer comments? I thought that was all the rage now a days...

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • troup
    Jul 24, 05:35 PM
    Would be nice if apple allowed you to charge the mouse via USB like the RadTech BT600 http://www.radtech.us/Products/BT600.aspx.

    I got one of these to replace my MightyMouse and single button apple bluetooth mouse. Been using it with my macbook and its fantastic.

    Bmw Z4 Matte Black. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • BeSweeet
    Apr 12, 10:37 AM
    Wouldn't matter anyway if you were using a ThunderBolt external hard drive. Very few mechanical hard drives can even reach 1Gbps-2Gbps. You'll need several of the fastest SSDs in RAID to even reach ThunderBolt speeds.

    USB 3.0 FTW. More practical.

    Dec 1, 10:18 PM
    I know I'm going to get labeled as a mac zealot and linux apologist for asking this, but isn't it weird how the project spent ALMOST ALL OF ITS TIME looking for ways to crucify OS X/Linux, but they avoided MS like the plague, as if they were afraid to make them look bad?

    "I didn't have much time left for working on Microsoft Windows but I've received the most helpful feedback from the MSRC"

    Riiiight. :p

    I wish ten times as many people were working on finding bugs in OS X. Or a hundred.

    Apr 13, 01:55 PM
    Not a chance in hell.

    Apr 11, 03:38 AM

    Apr 1, 08:12 AM
    That may be ok in iOS and on my iPad as it is easy to use with touch technology, but as more and more business professionals are adopting mac laptops, iMacs or Mac Pros - that is very unprofessional looking to be on a potential business computer. I know Apple wants to be uniform across devices and we are moving closer and closer to everything being iOS as the main operating system. But seriously, businesses will think that is not professional and we are going back to the non-uniform weird looking DOS-based application days. It is true, there is no uniforminality in the apps in the app store. It is having a consistent UI that made it easier for everyone to adopt Windows back in the day. Every application had the same looking and functionality in the GUI; so there was no learning curve.

    That iCal may be easy to use, but is unprofessional looking for potential business computers. Also, many people use ical as it integrates so well with other applications. I still say combine Apple Mail, iCal, and address book into 1 application - so I do not have to have 3 apps open taking up screen space and using more resources. That is what we have in Windows and Linux.


    As from what people are posting on the new iCal and Apple Mail, I am afraid the OS is becoming less business intuitive, less functionality, less uniforminality among apps. Something that may hurt Apple more with trying to integrate into the business world.

    With the old iCal, I can choose what events I want to see. I can have separate calendars for items, etc. I have several apps that have their own calendar in ical - which allows me turn on or off viewing them with a check box.

    edit - Although I am looking forward to a uniformed iChat.

    Apr 24, 06:36 AM

    The new iPhone 4S!!

    But who finds their iPhone 4 slow anyway!?